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Primary School
Curriculum Information
Shetland class:
Shetland class continues to engage with daily phonics activities developing a deeper understanding of phonics. We are also using Accelerated Reader to complete comprehension activities after finishing a reading book. The SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) focus this term will be sequencing using adverbs. Learners will practise expressing time using conjunctions and adverbs. Our writing focus for the summer term is recounts and we will link this to our topic finally writing a recount of an imaginary journey. ​
Shetland continues with daily number fluency activities. Our maths topic will focus on fractions this term. We will cover fractions of shapes as well as gaining a more in depth understanding of fractions, learning about equivalency.
In science this term Shetland will investigate sound. Learners will be introduced to how sounds travel and we will explore pitch, eventually designing and making our own musical instruments. We will also learn how sounds change over distance.
Our topic this term is ‘All around the World’. In this unit, we will take a closer look at where the countries of the world are located. We will learn how to locate and describe places, exploring longitude and latitude, and find out about some of the important lines that delineate specific areas of the Earth such as the Equator, the North and South Hemisphere and the Poles.
This term Shetland will learn about places of worship within a variety of religions. We will explore what makes each place special and as part of the unit, we will reflect on the similarities and differences between places of worship. They will also have a chance to learn what they would experience if they visited the place of worship.
During PSHE this term, Shetland will learn about health and wellbeing. We will explore the changes in the body and how to keep ourselves healthy. As part of ICT we will work on simple coding.