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Year 9
Curriculum Information
Note: If you are not sure who your child’s teacher is for English and Maths or what option subjects your child is studying then please contact your child's form tutor for more information.
Maths (Mr Stephen):The term begins with a focus on number skills, including working with powers and roots, as well as applying these to scientific notation and real-world contexts. Algebra becomes more challenging, with learners solving more complex equations, working with inequalities, and exploring quadratic expressions. Geometry lessons build on prior knowledge by introducing the properties of 3D shapes, including volume and surface area, while continuing to develop skills in angle reasoning. The term concludes with an exploration of probability, teaching learners to calculate and interpret probabilities in context.
English: (Mr Sullivan, Mr Battersby, Dr Csengei):
This term year 9 learners will be practising for and then taking their Entry Level qualifications in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Following this, we will be reading Orwell’s Animal Farm, then analysing the text in the context of communism, socialism, capitalism and the Russian Revolution. Learners will also be practising literary and language analysis, as well as developing their reading comprehension skills, based on the text.
This term we have started the taster sessions for GCSE separate sciences. We are working in rotation, so by May half term all groups will have covered the following topics:
Forces and Motion
States of Matter and Separating Techniques
Key Concepts of Biology
As always, lessons are delivered as theory sessions as well as class practical work in the laboratory.
After the May half term, year 9 will be looking at Science skills for GCSE. These will include practical skills, mathematical and language skills, which should ensure that the GCSE process is a little smoother for our learners.
During the final term, learners will be discussing and exploring topics around selfie obsession, the LGBTQ community, environmental awareness and sustainability. We’ll then move onto topics relating to charities, crime and punishment and human rights - please see our school website for further details.
In History this term, we will start by examining the key events of the Second World War and how the Nazis implemented the Final Solution that led to the Holocaust or Shoah. After half term, we will be looking at how the Second World War ended with the dropping of atomic bombs in Japan; then investigate the major events of the Cold War and the rivalry between the USA and the USSR.
Learners will be completing a summer term sports unit in which they will gain an understanding of what a summer sport is as well as working on their fine motor skills to support movement and a healthy active lifestyle. Learners will take part in gameplay which will work on enhancing their social skills, communication and teamwork which all link in with our core British values.
The students will understand how to use throwing, kicking and catching as well as solidifying their understanding around the rules and regulations of summer sports. During year 9 students will also gain a clear understanding of how to officiate games so that they are fair and played by the correct rules.
Option Subjects.
Year 9 History GCSE Option:
In History this term, we will be finding out about the abolition of the death penalty following the execution of Derek Bentley in 1953. We will also be investigating changes to the prison system in the 20th century and changes to the law in relation to ‘Conscientious Objectors’ brought about by the First and Second World Wars. After half-term, we will start to look at how the Metropolitan Police had problems policing the streets of Whitechapel in the East End of London between c.1870 and c.1900, including how investigative methods changed as a result of the failure to identify or apprehend Jack the Ripper in 1888.
Creative Digital Media:
Learners will create a short news video during the summer term. This will require them to experiment with and expand their knowledge of digital video cameras, create a plan/schedule,(including a script), generate a resource list and storyboard as part of their pre-production, film their plan and finally edit their video using Adobe Premiere Pro - incorporating footage from other media producers as well as their own.
Learners continue to work towards their Bronze Award which this term, includes researching an artist as well as reviewing an art event. Learners will also create a model of a dragon, animal or creature of their choice from wood and clay for the exhibition. Lastly, they will create insect and butterfly designs with a visiting felt artist.
Learners are currently working towards their Grade 3 Acting - the exam is on 6/7th July.
They are practising the following skills:
A: Perform 2 Grade 3 scenes from memory demonstrating an understanding of the material
B: Use vocal skills in response to the text
C: Use the face, body and performance space in response to the text
D: Know the characters and situations in the chosen scenes
BTEC Sport:
Learners will spend this term looking at Unit 6 - Sports leaders. This unit is made up of three learning outcomes. Within these outcomes learners will:
Know the attributes associated with a successful sports leader
Plan and lead a sports session
Review of a session and smart targets
This term, we will learn about Artificial Intelligence (AI), understanding what it is as well as the opportunities and threats it poses. We will look at how bias can affect outcomes that use AI. We will participate in a large scale machine learning project and trial using the technology for ourselves. Also, we will utilise the Python programming language, which is used in professional environments, to display messages on screen, take user inputs and make the code make choices based upon them. Learners who may already have skills in this area, such as those taking the Computer Science option, will have a more advanced scheme to follow.
Computer Science:
Our time this term is being split between coding and theory. In our Python coding sessions, the learners are completing discrete challenges of variable length based upon their skills and confidence. By the end of the academic year we will have completed learning the coding skills needed for GCSE, allowing time in subsequent years for practice and to take on larger projects.
In theory we will be looking at the number systems that are commonly used within Computing, such as Binary and Hexadecimal. We will look at the components of a computer and the different architectures of computer processors. We will also have some time looking at the social impact of computing.
Design Technology:
Learners are currently working on a range of different projects this half term whilst we wait to welcome our new DT teacher, Mrs Beck, to the school in September.