Our Team
At Gretton we have a staff team of dedicated committed professionals who endeavour to ensure that every student at Gretton experiences success, achieves their goals and is happy.
Every staff member at Gretton has an important part to play in the team approach that we recognise as instrumental in ensuring a happy learning environment.
Leadership Team
Our Staff Team
Teaching Staff
Zach Booth - KS2 Lead & Primary
Rhiannon Chagger - KS3 Lead & Science Lead
David Watkins - KS4 Lead & Exams Officer
Mark J Arnold - KS5 Lead & Computing
Natalie Easton - Art
Matthew Rowntree - Computing & Training Systems Lead
Hayley Beck - Design & Technology
Kate Khairdean - Drama
Jack Sullivan - English
Margarita Georgiou - Head of English
Oli Battersby - English
Jemma Mcghee - English
Alicia Watson - Forest School Instructor
Matthew Heathcote - PSHE & Humanities Teacher
Justin Miller - Humanities
Suhua Tang - Mandarin
Daniel Stephen - Head of Maths (acting)
Emma Beardmore - Music & ECT Mentor & BTEC Quality Nominee
Martina Soskova - Photography
Ann Jordan - Primary
Feiolim Gatley - Primary
Haidee Atkey-Smith - Primary
Heather Cruise - Primary
Helen Chapman - Primary
Sophie Head - Primary
Jack Lee - PE
Luke Green - PE
Adam Heather - Science Technician
David Gamble - Science
Jenny McCran - Science
Miki Allouis - Science & Social Sciences
Yair Doza - Science
Anita Porter - Social Sciences
Abigail Peach
Andrew Sparrow
Calli Moran
Debbie Arnold
Donna Richards
Eileen Herd-Harbert
Ella Tyler
Ellie Trundley
Eva Kakrada
Gemma Spencer
Georgie Matson
Helen Williams
Jasmine Crowley
Lexi Carter
Lizzie Campbell
Nicki Wills
Peta Scott
Radhika Mutneja
Samantha Pullen
Teresa Alderton
Salma Elsangak
Teaching Assistants
Alyssa Angela
Arya Subedi
Cammie Woolley
Finn Vollerthun
Franceska Lezi
Isaac Hughes
Kate Davey
Katie Shelsher
Konstantin Boulich
Kyra Roos
Louisa Billington
Rosmin Shibu
Sara-Jane Sutty
Scott Matthews
Sophie Wilson
Sydney Ison
Victoria Willis
Sophia Fregonesi
Emily Brackell
Lexi Wilson
Specialist Staff
Helen Broad - Deputy SENDCo
Kirsty Leach - SpLd teacher
Laura Macdonald - SpLd Teaching assistant
Harpreet Chagger - Careers Coordinator
Zoe Copping - DDSL & Family Liaison Officer
Sean Greygoose - Behaviour and Welfare Team Coordinator
Adam Samworth - Behaviour and Welfare Team
Harli Watson - Behaviour and Welfare Team
Linda Tyler - Behaviour and Welfare Team
Kevin Hunt - Deputy Head of Boarding
Nicole Gaw - Deputy Head of Boarding
Adelaide Mansell - Residential Support Worker
Anna Mubaiwa - Residential Support Worker
Barbara Gomes - Residential Support Worker
Karen Taylor - Residential Support Worker
Lauren Bowes - Residential Support Worker
Leeroy Chivhiya - Residential Support Worker
Libby Warr - Residential Support Worker
Martha Kpaka - Residential Support Worker
Nicole Heap - Residential Support Worker
Nina Onatskaia - Residential Support Worker
Lewis Black - Residential Support Worker
Ronara Butler - Residential Support Worker
Sue Moore - Residential Support Worker
Toby Pettit - Residential Support Worker
Andrew McCombie - Research & Assesment Psychologist
Gifty Addo Stewart - Occupational Therapist
Rebecca Kruller-Adams - Art Therapist
Wendy Bailey - Occupational Therapist