Reward and Recognition
Praise and reward are consistently used within school to reinforce the meeting of targets, positive behaviour and effort made towards achievement, as well as any good work produced. Students are given the opportunity to exchange points earned for motivational items of their choice. Others choose to ‘pool’ their points to plan Form group/class trips at the end of term or school year as a reward.
Achievements are shared with parents through regular communication from, and with, class staff. There is a tutor report at the end of the Autumn term, Parents' evenings in the Spring Term for the whole school and a full subject report at the end of the school year. We also regularly celebrate achievement throughout the school day and during daily reflection (end of day Tutor time). Additionally, at the end of each half term (termly in Secondary), we have an achievement celebration during assembly, where specific achievements are recognised.
Students in both Primary and Secondary year groups can also be awarded with a Headteacher's Award at any time during the academic year for great work, outstanding progress or just something that is an achievement to that individual student.
Progress is assessed throughout the year, tracking learners’ achievements against Key Performance Indicators which are the main building blocks of the curriculum.
By supporting pupils to identify and evaluate their own progress and achievements, we enable them to take ownership of their learning and make important choices about their futures. We do this through ongoing IEP and IBP target-setting, daily reflections in Tutor time, weekly tutorial sessions (in secondary), termly assessment of achievements and annually, through the review of their own EHCP.
As learners make their way up the school, we increasingly introduce Preparation for Adulthood topics, as well as providing learners with the commencement of qualification curricula in Year 9, increased opportunity to achieve formal qualifications, timetabled Careers sessions, work experience opportunities and, where appropriate, transition sessions to next settings.
Ultimately, our rewards system and positive behaviour management are designed to motivate and engage learners and to make clear the behaviour expectations within school, in order that learners can achieve to their best potential.

"The truth is, when I started working here with these unique souls, it felt like arriving at my happy place."
- Beth Elkins, Headteacher