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Mobile Devices

Learner & Parent Questions:

1. Why is the school putting the expectation to manage this onto the parents to deal with over the summer holidays instead of it being you? This is a shared collaborative responsibility. We have carefully mapped out and considered how to introduce this to learners and have worked with colleagues to understand where this may be particularly difficult. We have already been in discussion with some parents/carers and invite others who feel it may be difficult to contact us to discuss further. We have provided the Parent Forum to further support communication around this topic. Some parents have made contact with us directly and we can set up further calls to discuss alternative strategies to support learners who may be anxious or particularly attached to their devices where needed.

2. How will learners who don’t have a voice to communicate aside from using their mobile phones be supported to be able to? We recognise that this will be difficult in some instances. Our SEND team is already aware of where reasonable adjustments need to be applied and for other learners who have become used to this method of communication, we are considering what alternatives can be offered. We are keen to work with parents/carers to understand what those alternatives can be and have already put measures in place where either staff or parents/carers, or learners themselves have had a worry about what this will look like. It can include (but this is not an exhaustive list,) the use of a code word or colour card if they are finding something particularly difficult, liaising with their trusted adult or BWT, having some time out, a communication slot, a period of reflection. In addition to this, having considered the views of some parents and learners, and as a result, LEARNERS WILL BE PERMITTED THE USE OF A ‘DUMBPHONE’ (OUR PREFERENCE BEING FROM THE NOKIA 3310/3210 RANGE) DURING THE SCHOOL DAY TO FURTHER SUPPORT ANXIETY AND THE CLASS CHARTER WILL BE IN PLACE TO PROVIDE CLARITY OF USAGE TIMES WHICH SHOULD BE ADHERED TO BY LEARNERS AND STAFF. The type of phone that will be permitted can be seen here - the last one also enabling music and the most competitively priced.

3. Can we understand how this will look for learners when moving between sites in terms of safety? We will continue to follow our safeguarding process for this. Learners are signed out of the building and need to sign in upon their arrival to the other site. Colleagues are all aware of the travel time to complete a transition between the sites and the non arrival of a learner would trigger an alert which would essentially ‘kick in’ safeguarding protocols of checking the whereabouts of a learner. We have several staff who also transition between the sites regularly and learners are supported with training for independent travel, more of which will be provided in September. In the first half term, we will have an increased staff presence and the gates/exits will be included in the duty team rota’s to increase vigilance across the two sites. Whilst it can feel like a huge risk which we understand, statistically speaking in the last two years, we have had very few (under 3) issues when transitioning between issues between sites. We will continue reaffirming learning and re-enforcing community rules and awareness. Where learners are more vulnerable they will be supported to transition.

4. Friday afternoon independent travel - how do they know what the time is? Where an adult is not with them on planned independent travel they will be given their phones (not other devices) back in advance to allow them to use this for safety reasons. Learners are not permitted to be alone completely (paired up as a minimum) so we would always make certain that between them someone has access to the time/a phone.

5. What if they start their day at Manor Farm and finish their day at Rectory? Devices will be stored at the site at which they are dropped off and collected. If learners are being collected by a parent/carer they would need to inform our reception team and collect the device from the site the learner was dropped off at.

7. It would be helpful to understand how we are planning to use the chromebooks to fill the gap of the devices. Chromebooks will have access to a music site, and access to some learning games will be provided on these devices. We are exploring an increase of clubs during social times and equipment at The Rectory site for our older learners such as an outdoor gym and table tennis.

8. My child feels it is unfair and they are being punished, they have always followed the rules. This is not a punishment, this is about the safety of learners, and it’s unfortunately about the misuse of devices, attachment to devices preventing and inhibiting learning and a growing number of concerns linked to online safety that is beyond our control at the moment because we are unable to manage and monitor the individual use of devices and nor do we want to. Within the primary setting it has been working well, learners follow the Device Charter quite consistently but this changes as learners move through the school. We are following national guidance and there is a strong expectation that as a school we manage risk linked to online safety, cyber bullying etc. We will do our best to convey to learners that this is not a punishment and welcome your input into communicating the same message.

9. Why are you doing it now? There is already a lot going on. We don’t think there is every an easy time to bring change to a community that finds managing change difficult. We reintroduced the Devices Charter during online safety week back in February which we communicated out to everybody and have been working towards that since. We felt that transitioning is all about change and what September will look like so it felt fitting to tie it in with that. We have avoided a blanket policy for as long as possible, but in view of the new government guidance and to align with the other schools in the group, we felt that the time had come to progress this at Gretton too. The safety of our learners remains our priority and this focus is around the safety of them all.

10. Will you be considering more flexibility for sixth form? There is a relaxed policy for sixth form as they are preparing for adulthood and what life starts to look like independently so they will be expected to follow the Devices Charter - any misuse will be challenged. Staff will be modelling the safe use of devices in this area.

11. The first couple of weeks back in September will be hard, the reality is that the children will be feeling more dysregulated, what will you do around this? Stronger staff presence during unstructured times. SLT and BWT presence and support for class staff and learners who need it. There will be a reflection period for learners, we are not going into battle! We will use our Positive Behaviour Policy and our relational practice, working with learners, you as parents and carers and we will be consistent and fair.

12. How do we make sure they have it to go home as my child is likely to forget? Devices will be returned to learners by staff who have to sign learner's out of school. The returning of the device will form part of this process. Class staff can also support to become part of the routine.

13. Are we educating them in preparation for post 16 in terms of safe use? Our curriculum includes online safety and we regularly support learners beyond this through assemblies, activities, themed weeks. During the school holidays we plan to share more information with parents and carers about how they can ensure safety within the home also, in relation to online access and safety.

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