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Year 7
Curriculum Information for Year 7
In English this term, learners will be studying ‘The Tempest.’ By the end of the term, learners will have an understanding of the plot of the play and the main characters. They will do this by studying key scenes and completing various written and creative tasks. Year 7 learners will also continue to have their weekly library lessons to foster a love of reading.
For the first half of the summer term we are completing our money topic by solving money problems involving addition, subtraction and multiplication. Following this we will study the topic about time, looking at reading and drawing analogue clocks, converting between analogue and digital clocks, 12 and 24 hour time and using our understanding of time to solve problems. After half term we will be learning about properties of shapes including: including identifying and comparing angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, lines of symmetry and symmetrical patterns. We will complete the term looking at geometry position and direction. This will include coordinates, using coordinates to draw polygons, coordinate translations and shape transformations.
Wiltshire and Tesla:
Our topic for this half term is constructing, measuring and using geometric notation. We are learning labelling conventions, drawing and measuring geometric shapes as well as drawing and measuring angles. We will also be identifying types of triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons, before constructing triangles and complex polygons. After half term we will be studying number sense which will include strategies for mental addition and subtraction and mental multiplication and division. We will investigate strategies for mental arithmetic involving fractions and decimals as well as using factors, estimation and algebraic facts. We will finish the year by working with sets and probability.
During the summer term, learners will one again be covering all three disciplines of science. Within biology, learners will learn about ecosystems. They will experiment with atoms, elements and compounds in chemistry and in physics they will be enlightened by forces and sound. As always this will be delivered by both theory sessions as well as practical sessions in the laboratory.
During the final term, learners will be discussing and exploring topics around budgeting, savings, banks and all the financial aspects of life. We will then move onto topics focusing on positive relationships, identity, love, respect and mental health - please see our school website for further details.
In History this term, we will start by looking at the conflict between the Crown and the Church in the Middle Ages and how England’s Parliament developed before we examine the impact of the Black Death and the Peasants Revolt of 1381. After half term, we will be continuing our thematic study of migration to Britain by examining the major groups of migrants from the Middle Ages to the present day and how the modern UK is a diverse, multi-cultural society because of these new arrivals.
This term, we are moving on from learning about Christianity to Islam. We will start by learning about some key beliefs of Islam before moving onto learning about the life of the Prophet Muhammad. Next, we will learn about the importance of the Qur’an for Muslims as well as the Mosque. We will also learn about key festivals that Muslims celebrate and why as well as looking at some Islamic artwork and then getting creative to create our own.
This term, we will build upon the animation skills already learnt in CDM using Adobe Animate. This will include using Motion Tweens and Shape tweens, where the software is used to span between points set by the learner. We will also see how to make multi-stage animations, which will be built upon in year 8. To reinforce the block based coding done in the autumn term, we will be using Scratch to further develop our use of sequence and iteration and introduce variables and events.
CDM (Creative Digital Media):
Learners will create a short video of their choice during the summer term. This will require them to experiment with digital video cameras, create a basic plan, film their plan and edit their video using Adobe Premiere Pro.
We are starting the term by learning about War and Peace in music. Many famous pieces of music have been written about different wars and conflicts and we will listen to them and understand how they reflect the history. We will be also looking at music in peacetime with protest songs and music which is anti war.
During the last half term we will be diving into all things Musical! Looking at the history and makeup of musicals and musical theatre and working our way towards modern musicals and the impact of Disney on our West End Theatres!
Some classes and individuals are still completing their Expressionistic style portraits transformed into WANTED posters. When these have been completed, we will move onto creating a model of a dragon/animal/creature of choice from wood or clay for an exhibition. We will also be creating stencils to work with our visiting spray artist and creating insect and butterfly designs with a visiting felt artist.
This term, learners will be completing a summer term sports unit. They will learn what a summer sport is and will work on their fine motor skills to support movement and a healthy active lifestyle. We will also work on the skills involved when throwing, kicking and catching. Learners will take part in gameplay which will work on enhancing their social skills, communication and teamwork which all works towards the British values.
This term, learners will be introduced to the spoken and writing components of Mandarin learning. For the former, pinyin and tones are introduced, and for the latter, the radicals and characters are presented. Specifically, we will learn how some basic characters evolved from pictographic writing and became radicals to constitute part of the meaning of the characters.
We will also learn about and recap vocabulary around family members, weather, means of transport, food and vegetables.
We also aim to integrate Chinese culture within lessons for example, Chinese calligraphy, Chinese chess and mahjong (tile based game).